Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) project by Supernode

Supernode BESS

Brisbane, Australia

Year Acquired

The South Pine switchyard is the central node of the Queensland electricity transmission network, 80% of Queensland’s total electricity flows through this ‘supernode’ on a daily basis. Quinbrook’s Supernode Data Centre and Battery Energy Storage Site (‘BESS’) site, located adjacent to the South Pine switchyard, will host one of the largest battery storage installations in the Australian National Electricity Market. The 750 MW (2 – 4 Hour) BESS offers large power users an innovative solution to obtain stable power supply and overcome the critical stability issues facing the Queensland power grid as recently identified by AEMO.

Target Outcomes:

  • Low-cost and optimally located energy storage project that mitigates Marginal Loss Factor (‘MLF’) and curtailment risk, a feature uniquely available to Projects located near the central node
  • A major power load connected at the central node of the Queensland electricity grid providing grid support services by increasing minimum system operation demand needed to help ensure a stable power system
  • May reduce the risk of blackouts for Queensland homes and businesses
  • The BESS may also help resolve zonal flow constraints to enhance investments in the REZ and defer grid upgrades

Project Status:

  • Quinbrook is currently constructing the first three stages of Supernode BESS, a AU$1.4 billion investment and the largest single BESS project under construction in Australia by energy capacity.
  • Long-term offtake agreements have been secured for Supernode, with Origin Energy contracting Stages 1 and 2 for a combined nameplate capacity of 520 MW / 1856 MWh, and Stanwell Corporation contracting Stage 3. The addition of Stage 3 brings the total site nameplate capacity to 760 MW / 3096 MWh.
  • In January 2025, a Connection and Access Agreement (C&AA) with Powerlink was fully executed following the receipt of the Offer to Connect, finalizing the grid connection process for Stages 1 and 2.
  • In January 2025, a new senior debt financing of A$722 million was closed, representing the largest stand-alone BESS project financing in Australia’s history.

Battery Management:

The Supernode precinct has a 275kV connection to the regional transmission grid that will provide reliable charge and discharge capabilities of the batteries. Private Energy Partners have been appointed as asset managers for the project.

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